Earn a little cash while enjoying your stay as a Work Camper!
Fort Trodd Campground is looking for healthy, energetic campers who are interested in working part time during their stay. Our work campers will receive a free site plus an hourly wage to complete daily chores at a part time level. Jobs will include cleaning bathrooms, cutting grass, help checking in guests, park security, dealing with after hours emergencies should there be any and various other small jobs that come up throughout the camping season.
Our work camper program is not real physically demanding but, potential work campers must be in good physical shape with no medical conditions that would interfere with their duties. This is a part time job so anyone who financially needs to work several hours per week should not apply. Work Campers must stay for the entire camping season which starts May 1st and ends October 31st. All work campers will work weekends and holidays, but you will not have to work a full weekend or holiday unless you wish to.
Anyone interested in becoming a work camper can email their resume or request to web@forttrodd.com or write to us at:
Fort Trodd
Work Camper Program
6350 Lapeer. Rd.
Clyde Twp, MI 48049
We are looking forward to another fun and exciting camping season!